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Picking from the Aquaponic Patch

What is my favorite blog, you ask?  Hands down it is a day-to-day account of an aquaponic gardener in Australia who is trying to record what he harvests daily from his large aquaponic system ( 3000 liter fish tank) . He is doing this for the love of aquaponics.  His goal is to show the world just how productive an aquaponics system can be. Whether or not he actually achieves his goal to continuously record his harvests is irrelevant because the journey that we are taking with him is sublime.

Here is the address so you can follow it too –

To me this is the best of the day-in-a-life style of blogging that has been made so popular by the movie Julie and Julia.  I’m drawn to this guy’s life experiences, his adorable girls, and his beautiful food.  I feel that he is an extraordinary story teller through both his words and his exceptional photography.  I want to meet him, sit at his table, and hear the crunch of gravel as I stroll among his aquaponic grow beds.  My garden aspires to be as productive and lush as his and my family as well-fed.

Here is a sample of his exceptional photography.

the Patch

Tomato harvest


egg and lettuce sandwiches

Making pasta

The fish tank

Veggie platter

Did I mention I love this blog?

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